Thermionic Work Function of Oxide-Coated Platinum: A Study of the Thermodynamic Relations Involved in the Thermal Emission of Electrons from Platinum Coated with Oxides of Barium and Strontium
Language: ENGLISH
Call Number: Lib.2285
Format: Reprint
Number of Pages: 17
C. Davisson and L. H. Germer, "Thermionic Work Function of Oxide-Coated Platinum: A Study of the Thermodynamic Relations Involved in the Thermal Emission of Electrons from Platinum Coated with Oxides of Barium and Strontium." Bell Telephone System Technical Publications, monograph B-110-1 (NY: Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1925).
Height 24.2|Width 17.2|Thickness 5.0|Weight 2.91 (Dimensions)
No (Dust Jacket)
Prtd-DBl, Cl, HC. Bndr, each article bound separately (Binding/Cover)