A Null-Reading Astatic Magnetometer: A Description of an Instrument of Novel Design for Measuring the Magnetic Properties of Small Amounts of Materials in the Form of Fine Wires or Thin Strips or of Thin Deposits on Non-Magnetic Materials
Language: ENGLISH
Call Number: Lib.2287
Format: Reprint
Number of Pages: 8
Richard M. Bozorth, "A Null-Reading Astatic Magnetometer: A Description of an Instrument of Novel Design for Measuring the Magnetic Properties of Small Amounts of Materials in the Form of Fine Wires or Thin Strips or of Thin Deposits on Non-Magnetic Materials." Bell Telephone System Technical Publications, monograph B-127-1 (NY: Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1925).
Height 24.2|Width 17.2|Thickness 5.0|Weight 2.91 (Dimensions)
No (Dust Jacket)
Prtd-DBl, Cl, HC. Binder (Binding/Cover)