Box contains inventory of samples, numbered as follows:
1. spools and skeins
2. "Celanese Satin" and Celanese-Viscose red & white
3. Celanese-Cotton drapery fabric cross dyed, and Celanese-Cotton Brocade cross dyed
4. Celanese-cotton-Viscose/Brocade drapery fabric
5. W-9 Fabric, black, woven
6. W-9 Fabric, cream, woven
7. J-5 Fabric, cream, knit, yellow along folds, pink cast in other areas
8. J-5 Fabric, cream, knit, stained or color is changing
First photo has sample 1 in top left, sample 2 in top right, sample 3 in bottom left, and sample 4 in bottom right.
Second photo has samples 5, 6, 7, and 8 in same orientation.