Inscribedon tag: MADE IN / U.S.S.R.
FunctionA demonstration apparatus that shows how water current flows. According to the Ealing Corporation, which imported Russian demonstration instruments to the USA, this instrument is thus described: "This apparatus is placed on the stage of a vertical projector... The hand water wheel is turned and a clear image is projected on the circumfluent patterns made as water flows by the various obstacles provided."
"The trough is filled with a quarter inch of water and some fine, light substance such as cork dust or mica powder is sprinkled on the water. The projector is then focused on this powder. Six obstacles as illustrated are provided. One of these is placed on the projection window and when the hand water wheel is turned the pattern formed by the water flowing past the obstacle is clearly projected. A series of fins direct the water in a straight line across the projection window."
Primary SourcesThe Ealing Corporation, "Science Teaching Apparatus Manufactured in Russia" (Cambridge: The Ealing Corporation, ca. 1960), 4.
Related WorksDavid Pantalony, "Propaganda or Education? The Controversy over the Importation of Soviet Scientific Instruments to America in 1959," in East and West: The Common European Heritage. Proceedings of the XXV Scientific Instrument Symposium (Jagiellonian University Museum, 2006), 53-58.