illumination device
Date: circa 1900
Inventory Number: 1996-1-0058
Classification: Lighting
Dimensions:4 × 8 × 3 cm (1 9/16 × 3 1/8 × 1 3/16 in.)
DescriptionThe main body of the illumination device is two detachable cylinders, one containing the light fixture, the other being the cap that goes over it. The cap is made of brass and has a larger diameter. At one end is a black dome with holes punched through. A short cylindrical brass extension with a dark metal-framed glass window at the end emerges from the side of this cylinder. At the other end the cap has a thumb screw on either side to hold the two cylinders together when tightened.
The cylinder that includes the fixture is made of an insulating material, the side that goes under the cap containing the light attachment. that side telescopes outward in order to connect with the larger main cylinder. Outside near the bottom are the two brass binding posts, for connection to an electrical source. The bottom of this cylinder has a brass cap with a track cut along the inside diameter, with a thumb screw in the center of the top. This may have enabled users to attach the light to another instrument by loosening the thumb screw and sliding another instrument's arm through the track.