Leitz UO objective UO 11-50X extension tube and diaphragm
Date: 1950
Inventory Number: 2009-1-0070e
Classification: Microscope Accessories
Dimensions:box: 5.6 × 6.6 × 6.5 cm (2 3/16 × 2 5/8 × 2 9/16 in.)
storage box: 25.4 × 53 × 26.7 cm (10 × 20 7/8 × 10 1/2 in.)
Accessories: box.
Description2009-1-0070 is a Leitz binocular compound microscope on a pillar stand with the Ultropak accessories for incident light on opaque objects. Due to the complexity of the parts, this entry is split up into the following:
2009-1-0070a: Leitz binocular compound microscope on stand.
2009-1-0070b: Leitz Ultropak microscope lamp and accessories
2009-1-0070c: Leitz UO objective 3.8X extension tube and diaphragm
2009-1-0070d: Leitz UO objective 6.5X extension tube and diaphragm
2009-1-0070e: Leitz UO objective 11-50X extension tube and diaphragm
2009-1-0070f: Leitz oculars in box
2009-1-0070g: Leitz dust covers
2009-1-0071: Leitz transformer for Ultropak lamp
The packing slip dated 5-4-50 from E. Leitz Inc., New York, lists these items and others now missing. The CHSI file also contains related correspondence, Ultropak catalogues from 1935 and 1939, a price list, and more items related to this collection.
Another red box with a hinged lid stores an extension tube and diaphragm for the UO 11-50X objective. Both are labeled "UO 11-50 T." The box also holds a magnifcation card for a UO 22X objective combined with different oculars. The box lid is marked "Leitz." The interior has a wooden dovetailed holder for a different accessory, which is missing.
Signedon UO extension tubes: Germany
on box for UO objective 11-50X extension tube: Leitz
Historical AttributesUsed by William A. Jackson, first librarian of Houghton Library.
When Houghton Library opened in 1942, Jackson invested in a lot of state-of-the-art equipment for examining books and investigating them. The apparatus included microscopes, black lights, and special lamps.
This particular type of instrument was made as early as 1935, but this one was not purchased until 1950. The earlier date is found in Leitz catalogues related to the Ultropak system. The later date is found on a packing list. These accompanied the microscope kit and are in the CHSI instrument file.
Primary SourcesLeitz Ultropak (New York: E. Leitz Inc, 1935)
Leitz Ultropak for Observations in Incident Light at All Magnifications (New York: E. Leitz Inc., 1939).
Price List of Leitz Microscopes and Scientific-Optical Equipment (New York: E. Leitz Inc., c. 1950).
E. Leitz Inc., New York, packing slip, no. 116355, May 4, 1950. [in CHSI file]
ProvenanceWilliam A. Jackson, Librarian, Houghton Library, Harvard University, c. 1942 ; transfer to CHSI courtesy of Dennis Marnon, 2009.