Harold R. W. Benjamin
1893 - 1969
(1893–1969) was an American educator and writer; most notably was his publications of The Saber Tooth Curriculum (1939) and Higher Education in the American Republics (1965) (Guthrie 168)....
arold R.W. Benjamin’s main purpose in his work was to preserve the democratic processes in American schooling and for an awakening of instructional consciousness toward individual differences. This belief led him to writing another well known novel, The Saber Tooth Curriculum. The Saber Tooth Curriculum was written by Benjamin in a pseudo name of J. Abner Peddiwell. Published in 1939, The Saber Tooth Curriculum is satirical commentary explaining how unexamined traditions of schooling can result in resisting needed changes (Guthrie 169). He believed education needs to be responsive to the emerging needs of the life experience and he felt education in his time was sticking to teachings of old rather than of present times.