Richard Wheeler Thomas, <i>A descriptive catalogue of photographic apparatus, etc., manufactured and sold by Richard W. Thomas</i> (London: 1829). [date from library catalogue is likely an error.]
Richard W. Thomas, <i>A Descriptive catalogue of superior photographic apparatus and specialities, : manufactured and sold by Richard W. Thomas, operative chemist & c. and manufacturer of Thomas's collodion, Thomas's albuminized paper and sensitized paper, pure photographic chemicals and preparations</i> (London: 1879).
The <i>Chronological Index of Patents Applied for and Patents Granted for the Year 1864</i> (London: 1865), lists:
2122. RICHARD WHEELER THOMAS, of Pall Mall, in the County of Middlesex, for an invention for—" Improvements in tents and apparatus employed in taking photographic pictures." Letters Patent sealed. 29 August 1864
<i>Notes and Queries</i>, no. 210, 5 November 1853, p. 457.
Richard W. Thomas, <i>A pamphlet containing the following papers on photography: How to make the negative, How to clean the glass plate, How to varnish the negative, How to print from the negative, How to prevent stains and spots in the negative, On the use of a bromide in collodion</i> (London: [H. Silverlock], 1862).
RIchard W. Thomas, <i>The modern practise of photography</i> (London: Harrison, 1868).